Dans l’actualité

Companies like Amazon, Google, Airbnb and Uber have so far successfully neutralized the antitrust arsenal of the United States and the European Union. Even with the recent increase in antitrust cases, new regulations like the EU’s 2022 digital market regulation, and high-profile declarations, such as those by U.S. President Joe…

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When, in December 2022, the Chinese carmaker BYD overtook Tesla as the world’s biggest seller of electric cars the news resounded round the world like thunder in a clear sky. The performance was coupled with price cuts of almost 20% that Tesla had to concede to stay in the Chinese market.Clearly, not a single company, even those acclaimed as tech stars of the Silicon Valley, seems to be able to stand in the way of Chinese ventures.

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Had the virus simply followed Michael Porter’s competitive advantage (stage 1) or Blue Ocean (stage 2) recommendations, it would have been stopped by vaccination. But, this virus is nimble. It is able to rapidly transform itself (stage 3) and make use of feed-back loops (stage 4) to learn and overcome obstacles.

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The world has changed considerably since the 1980’s but the dominant paradigm in strategy remains Michael Porter’s competitive advantage. In the early 2000’s, Kim & Mauborgne proposed a different perspective with their Blue Ocean strategy but both approaches suffer from the same shortcoming. They both assume a relatively stable environment,…

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La dernière lettre de Jeff Bezos aux actionnaires d’Amazon trace la nouvelle ligne de partage de l’humanité : d’un côté, les surhommes devenus les nouveaux maîtres du monde, en dissimulant des prouesses technologiques derrière l’apparence de l’évidence ; de l’autre côté, les asservis, fervents dépendants des nouvelles facilités offertes par la technologie….

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